Goodbye | Chapter 9

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The Goodbye

Archie stood in the bustling airport, his heart heavy with unspoken words and hidden emotions. He was about to bid Gordon goodbye, a farewell he had been dreading since he learned about the wedding. He rehearsed his words in his mind, trying to keep his emotions in check. “This is it,” Archie thought. “The moment I’ve been dreading. How do you say goodbye to the person you love, knowing you’re saying goodbye to your love as well?

He spotted Gordon in the crowd, his heart skipping a beat. He walked over to him, his steps heavy with the weight of his unspoken words. They exchanged greetings, their conversation filled with small talk and pleasantries. But beneath the surface, their conversation was filled with unspoken words and hidden emotions.

Gordon,” Archie began, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. “I wish you all the happiness in the world. You and Kathleen are perfect for each other. Take care, my friend.” His words were sincere, but they masked the heartache he felt. He wished Gordon well for his wedding, his own heartache hidden behind a smile.

After bidding Gordon goodbye, Archie was left alone with his feelings. He allowed himself to feel the full extent of his heartache, now that he was alone. “As I watch him walk away,” Archie thought, “I feel a part of me leaving with him. But this is the way it has to be. This is my goodbye.

Despite his heartache, Archie resolved to move on. He decided to focus on his future, even though it was without Gordon. He boarded his flight, his heart filled with unspoken words and hidden emotions. As the plane took off, he looked out the window, the city shrinking beneath him. He was leaving behind his past, his unrequited love, and embarking on a journey towards a future unknown.


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The views and opinions expressed in this work are solely those of the author.

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